The communication with Porcelanite Dos, SL, through its email address, either through the forms present on this website or the link to its email present in it, implies the express consent for your data personal data are incorporated into files owned by Porcelanite Dos, SL, whose address is:
Legal Notice
General terms and conditions of use
Legal Notice
Porcelanite Dos, S.L.
CIF: B12479259
Ctra. Alcora Castellón km. 21,300
12110 L'Alcora (Castellón) Spain
tel:+34 964 361 190/
fax: (34) 964 361 586
These data will be processed by it under your responsibility in order to resolve the questions raised, the interested party having the right to access, rectify, cancel and oppose the personal data contained in the files, and may revoke his written consent in writing. any time (Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data).